If you wish to display a different product colour, it is possible to
adjust each product in the url that is called to build each bundle
Step1: Create your bundle as normal with default colours
Step2: Adjust the bundle until its how you want the products sized /
Step3: In the input box above, find the product image url, which
follows main_product=, left_product=, right_product=,
middle_product= or bottom_product= and locate the colour text in
this string.
Step4: simply replace say charcoal, with red, sky or whatever colour
you require ie. main_product=ludo_3h_revive_charcoal_view1, if we
replace _charcoal_ with _red_ and then press the update colours
button, a new bundle will be created with the current settings and
new colours (if Valid)
In fact any image can be substituted if the whole image string is
replaced with another amplience image url